How To Audit Web Page Loading Time On Your VPS Server?

3 ways to audit web page load time on your VPS or dedicated server -  GoDaddy Blog

For converting your audience into your customer, your web page should load within 1 second. A study shows that if a site loads within 1 second, it has 5X higher chances of conversion than the one that loads in 10 seconds. Your page loading speed is your first impression and communication point with your audience that helps them decide whether to stay on your site or not.

But how will you ensure that your website hosting or VPS hosting always meets the criteria?

The answer is simple: doing a regular checkup of your website’s loading speed through a regular audit. In this article, we check what a website audit is and how you can carry it out for your VPS server.

What Do You Mean By Web Page Speed Audit?

A page-loading speed audit is a consistent process which the website owner conducts in a defined and consistent time frame to maintain website loading speed. It provides a better user experience to their audience while maintaining a good rank on search engines.

Ways in Which You Can Conduct Page Loading Audit for Your VPS Hosting Server

  1. Measure Your Website Speed

First, start with measuring the current speed of your website, as it will decide whether your webpage speed needs improvement or not. Though making improvements in your website speed requires a lot of work, the first step is to measure it first.

There are various free as well paid tools available in the market that can help you understand your website loading speed. The key here is that measuring how fast your website loads helps you improve it because you can set specific goals and see if you are making things faster over time.

  1. Take Actionable Steps to Improve Your Website Speed
  • Keep it updated

The best way to improve website speed is to frequently update your website. From themes and plugins, everything must be updated to keep your webpage running efficiently.

Make sure you always run the latest versions to optimise performance, ensure the latest security, handle any security bugs, and secure every detail and tool function.

  • Embark caching  

Caching is a practical technique for storing multiple copies of data or files in a temporary location so that it can be accessed faster whenever needed. With the help of caching, you can decrease downtime and speed up web pages and online processes, especially when the webpage has enormous traffic. 

  • Deactivate non-essential plugins

Ensure quality over quantity and delete non-essential plugins in the background. There is the possibility these plugins may be functioning at the backend and may negatively affect your site’s loading time. 

Hence, initiate deactivating any non-essential plugins that you know you are not going to use again. Also, test once you un-haul your unwanted plugins, and always consider sticking with lightweight plugin options that will help you improve your server speed.

  1. Believe the numbers to do an analysis

Even if your website is doing well in terms of speed, rely on something other than guesses. The complex and intense data you get access to with the help of the tools that measure website speed can be very helpful. 

Rather than wondering how the content on your website works on mobile phones or other channels, look up to your databases for a more nuanced interpretation.

As predictions can be confusing as well as challenging to solve, so focus on these numbers as they are better indicators.


When you buy your VPS server, it is recommended to be regular with your website audits, as we are aware of how discouraging a slow website can be for your audience.

Also, understand that a website audit of your VPS server hosting is a never-ending process, so be consistent, as it directly affects your online presence.

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